Letters to the Editor

Letter: Unprofessional tirade

The primary duty of flight attendants is to keep the passengers safe, while following the regulations and policies set forth by the Federal Aviation Administration and their companies. Airline crews who must enforce these mask policies are simply doing their job and are not out to “bully” anyone for non-compliance. The mask policies that all airlines have adopted (some more strict than others), are laid out plainly on their websites. The policy at Alaska Airlines is, “No mask? No travel,” and states that masks may only be removed briefly while actively eating or drinking – in other words: remove mask, take a sip or bite, replace mask, repeat. The policy is based off recommendations from the Centers for Disease Control and doctors at the University of Washington. Each traveler must agree to the policy during the check-in process prior to boarding.

Unfortunately, Sen. Lora Reinbold decided to exhibit behavior unbecoming of a state senator and go on a Facebook tirade about how she believed her civil liberties were being infringed upon. To publicly shame the flight attendants by posting their pictures and calling them names for enforcing the policy she agreed to was unprofessional and does not meet the expectations we have for someone holding public office. Sen. Reinbold may believe whatever she wants about masks; however, she needs to abide by policies she agrees to and respect the privacy of the flight attendants.

Matt Cook

Association of Flight Attendants-CWA Anchorage Local President


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