Letters to the Editor

Letter: Trump’s legacy

Although we have lost Donald Trump’s brilliant leadership going forward, he still has more than two months to cement his legacy. Best way to do that would be to wrap up a few of his signature initiatives: Implement his “phenomenal health care” plan to replace Obamacare, get control of the coronavirus pandemic, recover the economy that collapsed under his COVID-19 mismanagement, finish up the last 1,900 miles of his wall and secure a commitment from Mexico to pay for it, bring back the coal industry, win his trade war with China so that U.S. taxpayers can stop compensating farmers and fishermen for their losses, de-nuclearize Iran and North Korea, make NATO countries meet their financial commitments, and bring law and order to American cities.

There’s more he’s promised, but if he just ties up these few loose ends, history might judge his presidency a success.

— Terry Johnson


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