Letters to the Editor

Letter: Voting for Trump

Why I will be voting for President Donald Trump: He is not a communist, nor a progressive, nor a socialist, nor a liberal. He does not have dementia. He did not send a plane loaded with pallets of $100 bills to Iran, an enemy whose stated goal is death to America and Israel.

He will not close my church or restrict my right to worship God. He will not sign any law that takes away my right to own a firearm. He will not sign any law that further liberalizes the murder of the most innocent among us, the unborn.

He will never travel around the world apologizing for America, the country that has done more good than most all other countries put together, and who saved the world in World War II, at the cost of more than 400,000 American servicemen and women killed and more than 670,000 wounded, then financed the rebuilding of Europe, then forgave most of that debt.

So yes, I will proudly vote for a man who will stand up for America.

Ken Leaders

Cooper Landing

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