Letters to the Editor

Letter: Murkowski’s hypocrisy

Alaskans are not fooled by the feint-and-jab actions of Sen. Lisa Murkowski.

In one moment, Murkowski proclaimed that voting on a Supreme Cout nominee during an election denies the people’s voice and erodes confidence in the fairness of the Supreme Court. In the next, Murkowski announced that she would join this destructive partisan power-grab by voting to confirm Amy Coney Barrett.

Alaskans can keenly see the multiple hypocrisies of Murkowski’s vote. Barrett’s appointment will almost certainly result in the loss of the Affordable Care Act and denial of people’s reproductive rights, which Murkowski has previously supported. During the Trump impeachment trial, Murkowski protected Chief Justice Roberts from a a tie-breaking vote regarding witnesses so that the Senate did not “drag the Supreme Court into the fray.” Murkowski stated: “We have already degraded this institution (Congress) for partisan political benefit, and I will not enable those who wish to pull down another (the Supreme Court).” Sen. Murkowski also stated: “The House rushed through what should have been one of the most serious, consequential undertakings of a legislative branch, simply to meet an artificial deadline... The Senate should be ashamed by the rank partisanship that is on display here.”

This time, Sen. Murkowski seems blind to shame, and recklessly partisan in voting on a Supreme Court nominee. Alaskans will weigh this hypocrisy as they vote, now and in 2022.

Nancy Pease


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