Letters to the Editor

Letter: Support Schrage

As a research scientist, I have some firsthand knowledge on how many small changes in the present can have enormous effects on the future. From the spread of small invasive plants into the Arctic to subtle changes in ocean acidification, science is an excellent teacher for the value of a long-term perspective.

That’s why I’m planning to vote for Calvin Schrage in November to represent District 25. We need a representative who has deep roots in our community and an understanding of the way amorphous budget cuts, local business closings, more kids in each classroom and more deferred maintenance on public infrastructure erode opportunity and quality of life for all of us over the long term. I want to vote for someone who will prioritize what is best for our neighbors and kids, not just the party line.

Calvin has lived in our district all his life, attended schools in our neighborhood, runs a business and has experience in representing neighborhood interests through the community council. He values education, a solid fiscal foundation for Alaska, and investment in the safety and mental health of our communities.

That’s the kind of long-term independent thinking I’m looking for — hopefully you are, too. My vote will be cast for Calvin. Please join me.

Tobias Schwoerer


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