Letters to the Editor

Letter: America needs Biden

Many believed the “make America great again” promises, which President Donald Trump failed to reach. Rather, all aspects of our lives are in peril. As a citizen, I fear constitutional institutions and rights are vulnerable. Trump does not respect separation of power between the three branches of government. Trump abuses power and puts himself above the law. He is suppressing voting rights fundamental to the survival of democracy. Trump breaks alliances and emulates dictators he admires.

As an educator, I fear Trump is letting students, teachers and parents down. Communities and schools need federal support and guidance to resume in-classroom teaching and learning. Policies of school choice take funding from public education, serve affluent families and contribute to school inequity, disproportionately hurting children of color and minorities.

As a parent, I fear children will suffer diminishing quality of life. The Trump administration is responsible for the highest unemployment rate and economic depression since the 1930′s. Trump’s failure to effectively address the COVID-19 pandemic leaves families with a bleak outlook, ignoring science and expert advice to bring the pandemic under control.

For these reasons and more, I find Trump unfit for office. We need a President who can reunite our country.

The Biden-Harris team will improve our future. Vote for Joe and Kamala.

Anne G. Kessler


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