Letters to the Editor

Letter: Sullivan deserves support

I didn’t always agree with Dan Sullivan when he and I served as commissioners for the state. So, it has been gratifying observing him as a U.S. senator. He acted appropriately by reiterating his opposition to the proposed Pebble Mine when he became aware of the wrongheaded comments of its former CEO. His approach to resource development mirrors that of many Alaskans — projects must have a fair, science-based review and not be short-circuited by politics. As the only Senate member currently serving in the military, he has a unique understanding of the challenges facing our defense forces and has supported efforts to increase pay and provide much needed attention to the issue of veteran overmedication and suicide prevention.

I am disappointed by the mischaracterization of Dan’s stance on Pebble by his opponent – a self-described “bear doctor." I don’t even know what that means.

I will support someone who isn’t afraid to run as a Republican and not someone who pretends to be independent when his allegiance is clearly with a political party.

Annette Kreitzer

Former Commissioner, Department of Administration


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