We are lucky in 2020 to have Alyse Galvin on the ballot as a replacement for Don Young. Don may have done some good for Alaska in the past century, but today he is out of touch. He called the novel coronavirus “the beer virus” before his aides told him COVID-19 was real and serious.He brags that he has never used a computer; before 1976, that may have been acceptable, but not today. I, for one, have had enough of his thoughtless, rude comments.
Now he is obviously afraid of Alyse Galvin, his independent opponent. Alyse is computer literate and an excellent organizer. Her skills in talking to and listening to people are superior, especially in comparison to his caveman approach. Her grassroots support is from Alaska contributors, not corporate PACs. She has raised funds from Alaskans who want honest and responsive representation in Washington, D.C. Let’s not lose this opportunity to elect Alyse Galvin as our U.S. Representative who lives comfortably and competently in the 21st century.
Vote Alyse for Alaska.
Carl Benson
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