Letters to the Editor

Letter: Sullivan missed his chance

I wonder if it’s time for Dan Sullivan to start walking the docks.

More than anything, what a fishing boat needs is a fair shot at catching fish. But what’s going on with bycatch in Alaska’s waters with the out-of-state trawler fleet isn’t fair—federal policy allows an inflated poundage of bycatch of king salmon, halibut and crab. It’s been going on for years, yet out-of-state interests are still pulling the strings of federal policy in Alaska’s waters. And where’s Sen. Sullivan been on this issue? Not with us little guys. That means commercial fishing families are missing out on poundage and dollars. Instead, fish is going to waste, shoveled off the decks of trawler vessels far out at sea—safely out of sight.

Sen. Sullivan had six long years to make it right. Was there even a single field hearing on this crisis? Time for change. Independent candidate for U.S. Senate Dr. Al Gross is a commercial fisherman who’ll be a great choice for the future of our fisheries.

Dustin Solberg


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