Letters to the Editor

Letter: Murkowski’s letter

I strongly object to Sen. Lisa Murkowski’s mass letter urging Alaskans to vote no on Ballot Measure 1. There was misinformation on all four of her points:

The “flawed process” is not Ballot Measure 1. The flawed process is the oil industry’s hard hitting lobbyists pushing through SB21 for their best interest. This referendum is the way we the people can make it right.

The “global pandemic” of course affects our economy, but so did the passage of SB 21 years before COVID-19 hit our state. State revenues and state jobs did not increase as promised. SB 21 legislation failed.

An equally “broad and diverse coalition” supports Ballot Measure 1: small businesses; unions; state legislators; oil and gas attorneys; all my friends and neighbors.

The “oil price war between Saudi Arabia and Russia” has not cost the oil companies here in Alaska. ConocoPhillips Annual Report shows the corporation making $5.2 billion in profit in Alaska during the past four years.

Sure sounds like the oil companies drafted her letter.

We voted for Sen. Murkowski to represent us, not the big corporations. Has she lost sight of that? I hope not.


Joyanne Bloom


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