Letters to the Editor

Letter: Don’t support Gross

After listening to and reading the arguments for Al Gross for senator, I would like to comment. First: There is no reason to brag about killing a bear with a high-powered rifle, regardless of self-defense or not. Talk about taking advantage of an unfortunate situation.

Second: He has indicated that he is in support of abortion. Being in support of killing innocent unborn humans is wrong. If he is a doctor, under the Hippocratic oath, he should arguably “do no harm.” An unborn human has different DNA than their mother’s, making it a unique person with independent rights. Killing an unborn human does the ultimate harm. I have had awful experiences with abortion. I won’t go into it without being emotional. Being supported by planned parenthood is an insult, not something to be proud of.

I could go on and on. Dr. Al Gross is an abomination.

Daniel T. Seamount Jr.

Eagle River

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