Letters to the Editor

Letter: We need change

It is imperative that the civilization of the United States be fundamentally transformed from its present form as a truly “unworthy republic.” To that end a coherent set of actions must be undertaken by a new Congress to accomplish rupture and create a humane, just, inclusive society that pursues the well-being of all and recognizes the necessity of providing for sustainability of our planet.

At the Democratic Convention, Sister Simone Campbell called for the end of the trajectory of America as it is and instead develop “a vision that ends structural racism, bigotry, and sexism so rife in now in our nation and in our history.” Additionally, new institutions that dramatically reduce economic inequality and provide basic quality of life for all must be created.

The horror unfolding in front of us is the expression of a profoundly flawed and sick segment of the U.S. population frightened, resentful and steeped in deeply delusional identities. They are aided in their desire to buttress inequality and white privilege by the structural bias inherent in U.S. institutions that must be reconstituted.

The mobilization of the vote to accomplish the electoral sweep necessary to achieve these goals must be the overwhelming mission of the current moment.

— Steve J. Langdon


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