Letters to the Editor

Letter: Angry

Angry? Listen to the Republican senators contort themselves to make it OK to fill the Supreme Court vacancy left by Ruth Bader Ginsburg. In 2016, they left open Justice Antonin Scalia’s seat because they said we needed to “let the people decide.” Earlier this year, they refused to impeach Donald Trump on treasonous behavior because we need to “let the people decide.” But now that RBG’s Supreme Court seat is vacant, it has become, “the hell with the people, let’s fill it.”

Principles? Dan Sullivan’s principles are basically “well, we would let the people decide if there was a Democratic president, but since there’s a Republican one, we can’t.” Is this the same principle as “stop voter suppression only when it affects white people?” Is this the same principle as “treat women equally unless no one is looking?” Is this the same principle as “block all immigrants unless they are related to you?”

Well, let me share something. This was not just any old Supreme Court seat. This was Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s, formerly filled by an icon of freedom, justice and women’s rights. This was the woman who paved the way for me to play sports in high school, join the Army and go to law school, all on equal footing (such as it was at the time).

I have heard said that Ruth was fragile. Not fragile like a flower, fragile like a bomb. She lit the match that started an explosion, and this one will have shock waves rippling for a long time. Angry? You bet I’m angry. I’m voting for any name with a (D) for Democrat behind it. I want to upend this whole chamber of cheaters, liars and traitors.

— Holly R. Hill


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