Letters to the Editor

Letter: Galvin deserves your vote

The year 2020 marks the 100th anniversary of the 19th Amendment guaranteeing and protecting women’s right to vote. Let’s celebrate this hard-earned right by voting for Alyse Galvin, an independent candidate for U.S. Congress running against Rep. Don Young.

Galvin, the founder of Great Alaska Schools, is running for office to stand up for what she believes. Every Alaskan deserves a first-rate education. She understands a strong economy begins with strong education.

Yes, I am biased, as a retired teacher, mother and mother-in-law to two award-winning Alaska teachers and grandmother of two Alaska students. I also support Galvin because she listens and respects the needs of all Alaskans. She has the energy and intelligence to do the hard work of representing our state. She has the desire and civility to work across the aisle.

Please do your homework and find out more about this third-generation Alaskan and former business owner who is used to hard work. Let’s put her to work for us. Elect Alyse Galvin to be our voice in the U.S. Congress.

— Gail Weston Taylor


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