Letters to the Editor

Letter: Trump story was wrong

I had to write in about the alleged comments President Donald Trump supposedly said about deceased veterans being “losers” and “suckers.” I find it hard to believe so many people, and especially military people, actually believe this.

What is the source? Note: A person is a source, not a newspaper. This story has an anonymous source. That in itself should raise doubt. There is no one that actually heard President Trump say this who was on the trip.

If someone knows who heard this firsthand, I’d like to know. The losers and suckers are those who believe this without a direct source. Ex-White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders tweeted: “The malicious lies about Donald Trump from anonymous sources in The Atlantic are disgusting. This story is an insult to journalism. I would know, because I was there.” This is just more fake news.

Marc Derosier

Eagle River

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