Letters to the Editor

Letter: Character attack on Giessel is wrong

A campaign commercial stopped me in my tracks the other night. The word ‘trust’ was used repeatedly in its criticism of Senate President Cathy Giessel. The level of disparagement hurled towards Giessel was over the top, filled with spite and totally wrong.

As a former registered Republican, I’ve worked with Cathy Giessel in the past. Anyone who has worked with her know she’s focused, sharp and efficient.

One may disagree with her politics — I have, more than once — but no one can question her trustworthiness, work ethic and loyalty to Alaska and Alaskans.

Giessel’s strict attention to detail when it comes to the public process and public good is as good as it gets – especially during times when some of Giessel’s colleagues throw tantrums when things don’t go their way.

I don’t know Roger Holland from a hole in the wall. But his dishonest attempt to defame Cathy Giessel so readily and crassly with his campaign’s attacks on Giessel’s proven good character is indicative of how low the Republican Party of Alaska has gone to get rid of one of its own - even though she’s currently the hardest-working and most trustworthy Alaskans in the Alaska Senate.

Andrée McLeod


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