Letters to the Editor

Letter: Good news appreciated

Thank you for the beautiful pictures of the black bear and the happy-looking Icelandic horse in the paper on July 28. It was nice to see something in the paper that made me smile, instead of having my day start with nothing but a bunch of bad news.

I can't speak for others but I'm tired of the following: Mask or no mask, Republican vs. Democrat, COVID-19, Seattle and Portland protests, statues vs. no statues, China, Russia, homeless centers — but not in my back yard, vaccines vs. anti-vax, etc.

It's a sad state of affairs when this is all we have to fight about and all the news we get seems to be bad news. I think we need more good news, and we need to stand together as Alaskans and Americans. Our strength is in our differences and we should find a way to address them peacefully before we destroy the greatest democracy in the world. God bless America!

Vicki Williams


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