Letters to the Editor

Letter: We need stronger measures

Let’s consider the irony on the front page of the July 26 ADN. The top headline read: “State reports 115 new cases and 20th death.” The left was about 56 more seafood workers testing positive in Anchorage, and the right was about schools beginning the school year online. Smack-dab in the middle is a photo of the 53rd annual Big Lake Mud Volleyball Tournament to benefit the Big Lake Lions.

The photo showed some of the more than 500 participants standing shoulder-to-shoulder, rolling in the mud and ignoring the risk of COVID-19. What happened to social responsibility in Alaska? What happened to concern for other people? The Lions should be ashamed for holding this event during a pandemic. Gov. Mike Dunleavy should be ashamed for the overall inadequacy of the state’s response to the pandemic.

It is past time for Dunleavy to show the leadership to require masks and take further action to prevent similar nonsense before more Alaskans sicken and die. Dunleavy’s strategy of wishing and hoping people will wear masks on their own initiative is failing. I am concerned about our hospital workers and the fact that if this continues it is only a matter of time before our hospitals are overwhelmed. I am also concerned that continued inaction by Dunleavy will eventually lead to additional, preventable and devastating impacts to our economy.

Phil Brna


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