Letters to the Editor

Letter: Homeless plan deserves support

I came home July 13 to find a letter from the Geneva Woods homeowners’ association regarding the Municipality’s initiative to acquire the Golden Lion property as a case management and transitional housing facility for homeless citizens of Anchorage.

If what my neighbors sought was a role in shaping this project to better address neighborhood concerns, I’d be behind them all the way. But the letter was pure not-in-my-backyard-ism, warning (in emphatic typeface) of the specter of lower property values if the Municipality moves forward. How disappointing.

Homelessness in Anchorage is smoldering in all our backyards (and parks, trails and hospitals), with the prospects of an out-of-control blaze as COVID-19 slams our most vulnerable neighbors. I commend the Municipality for thinking big in response to this crisis and hope my neighbors will direct their energy toward finding solutions to integrate these desperately needed resources into our area.

Hans Huggler


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