Letters to the Editor

Letter: Be a louder voice

For a month, I read each and every story of survivors, both men and women, who have survived sexual assault. When I received my July 1 paper, I was moved by the large white front page. "This space is dedicated to those not yet ready to share. We are leaving this open for you." It was moving.

Yet, by Thursday of the same week, the ADN buried the story of 10-year-old Ida Aguchak, who was kidnapped, sexually abused and killed by an 18-year-old man from her own village. Her killer was indicted on Tuesday.

ADN, be a louder voice for others like Ida who will never get a chance to voice their own story. Put such stories on the front page, not on pages opposite the comics pages.

Erin J. Knotek

Moose Pass

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