Letters to the Editor

Letter: A call for donors

I would like to thank Sen. Lisa Murkowski of Alaska and Sen. Mitt Romney of Utah for supporting the comments of General James Mattis regarding the appalling behavior of President Donald Trump. As demonstrated by his recent actions to forcefully remove peaceful protesters from Lafayette Square with smoke canisters, chemical irritants and flash-bang shells, Trump seems to take pleasure in bullying his fellow Americans. He is clearly a divider and not a healer.

I know that Sens. Murkowski and Romney have already given so much, but perhaps, in these difficult times, they might consider the gift of a backbone transplant for their fellow senators, Dan Sullivan of Alaska and Mike Lee of Utah. They should be advised that, given the current condition of the recipients, this will require an unusually large tissue donation from each of them.

Tom Mader, M.D.

Cooper Landing

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