Letters to the Editor

Letter: They did this

Sen. Lisa Murkowski, Sen. Dan Sullivan and Rep. Don Young did this: 100,000 lives and counting lost to COVID-19. Our nation on fire: They did this. Police and white nationalists emboldened to acts of extreme violence. They did this. Our free press targeted and muzzled. They did this.

They did this every time they failed to condemn ever more extreme acts of authoritarianism.

Sen. Murkowski, Sen. Sullivan and Rep. Young did this when their party refused to consider any legislation brought before you, in spite of wide bipartisan support. They did this when they failed to remove a president for proven crimes. They did this, standing by while an infantile venal monster took over our highest levels of government.

They did this while watching an abject failure to lead, to care, to act. They did this when they said nothing, while their “leader” turned off the lights and hid in the basement.

President Donald Trump is a disgrace. The GOP is a disgrace. Sen. Murkowski, Sen. Sullivan and Rep. Young are a disgrace.

This will be their legacy. They will never be forgiven, and this will never be forgotten.

Sen. Murkowski, Sen. Sullivan and Rep. Young did this. Every single one of them.


All these deaths, this blood, this misery is on their hands. My elected officials have failed to protect this country, to uphold our laws, and instead have installed a dictator.

If they had any human decency at all, they would resign.

— Ariel Phifer


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