Letters to the Editor

Letter: Common ground

I don’t know how long Paul Jenkins has been writing his Sunday opinion column, but for the first time ever, I actually agreed with him. Most times, I can’t even read all of what he writes in one session. This time, I felt that a minor miracle had occurred. The recent protests in the Lower 48 to end COVID-19 restrictions and to open up society were irresponsible. Those carrying long-guns and dressing up in camo suits had one goal in mind — to intimidate and threaten government officials.

These people are terrorists, plain and simple. They are also cowards. Many of us who carried M-16s as a profession find these nuts laughable. I own plenty of guns and I would never think of doing this. One thing is for sure, if I can agree with Paul Jenkins on anything, then maybe there is hope for the future.

— Phil Brna


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