Letters to the Editor

Letter: Commercial fishing and COVID-19

On commercial fishing and COVID-19, the key is not to overwhelm the health system. Alaskans have done a great job of social isolation and flattening the curve. By our design, we are comfortable with our frontier independence and subsistence lifestyle. Although the majority of us live in densely populated areas, a good deal of Alaskans live in rural settings, so our overall numbers of afflicted to date are promising. Albeit, apologies for those who have been afflicted, and my condolences for the deceased and their loved ones.

Fortunately, our health systems have been able to absorb this pandemic, and for that, I am grateful! Thanks to all those brave health professionals. My concern is right on our horizon — commercial fishing. It’s business as usual without a plan to account for predominantly non-resident factory processors and fishery housing, processing and crews in small spaces. My prediction is not rosy. There is no interest like self-interest!

This 60-year old resident would like to think, if necessary, the care I need for any health issue will be available “given the system is not overwhelmed.” What is Gov. Mike Dunleavy’s plan?

— Glen Ramos


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