Letters to the Editor

Letter: Let’s help the Earth

In the midst of a health crisis, we can appreciate the gifts of the Earth which form the foundation of our health, from the air we breathe to the food we eat. Is there any way we can increase the health of the Earth, and thereby our own health?

Perhaps the single biggest way we can enhance the vitality of life on Earth is by flattening the curve of climate change. Just as we are taking collective action to prevent COVID-19 from overwhelming our health care system, we can take collective action to prevent climate change from overwhelming Earth’s natural and human systems.

There are no silver bullets, but the most efficient and cost effective solution is a carbon fee and dividend. This would lower emissions while stimulating the economy by creating jobs and putting cash into the hands of every American. Another co-benefit for health would be lower air pollution. While there are points of leverage to focus on in our efforts to help life on Earth, we shouldn’t lose sight of the forest for the trees. Let’s celebrate the wholesome beauty of our planet and give thanks for the health it provides.

— Darren Zal


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