Letters to the Editor

Letter: Look to Norway

During World War II, President Franklin Roosevelt urged the world to “Look to Norway.” He was impressed with that small nation’s resistance. President Donald Trump has declared the current situation a war. I agree.

To win this war, the 52 stealthy F-35 fighters Norway purchased from us offer no protection from the even stealthier COVID-19. A far better weapon in their tool chest is the country’s superb public, universal, single-payer health care insurance system that covers everyone.

Whereas Norwegians generally encourage capitalism and free enterprise, such courage stops when their lives are at stake. Fairness dictates equally good health care available to every citizen, regardless of wealth. In short, they self-insure, financing the real cost of care through taxes. As a large number of American families go bankrupt, the descendants of Vikings concentrate on getting well, not worrying about the cost. In Norwegian, this is “frihet” (freedom).

It is time for us to wake up. It is time to free us, and our excellent doctors, nurses and other health care workers from the tyranny of the middle men; the for-profit insurance companies that are holding us all hostage. Were Roosevelt alive today, I am sure he once again would tell us to “look to Norway.”

— Jon Svendsen



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