Letters to the Editor

Letter: No coronavirus relief

After reading through the state Legislature’s COVID-19 relief package several times, I’m still trying to find the relief in the package. What nonsense these people are unfolding on we Alaskans.

Sen. Elvi Gray Jackson said the federal stimulus is on the way, so she voted to remove a $1,000 payment to every Alaskan and reduce the October payout by another $600 from last year. Alaskans need to wake up, because these legislators are going to take all your Permanent Fund money and then hit you with an income and sales tax because they can’t balance the budget.

Do legislators understand how many bills I can pay and how much food I could buy with a stimulus check of $1,000? These people in Juneau squandered all the oil wealth monies in the first place. Aren’t all of the legislators still getting your $50,000-plus salaries coupled with $275 per day per diem while the rest of us are signing up for unemployment?

Perhaps the Legislature should share in the burden of zero income from job loss. I used to say I have never met a Democrat who didn’t want to spend my money. Now I can honestly say I haven’t met an Alaska legislator who doesn’t lie to me and purloins my Permanent Fund dividend. The Legislature says government needs my dividend to pay the state’s bills; I want to remind the legislators that I need my full dividend check to pay my bills and put food on the table.

— John Jones


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