Letters to the Editor

Letter: We need Gov. Dunleavy

I can’t believe Crystal Berwick wrote a letter stating the only thing Gov. Mike Dunleavy has done for Alaskans is he has brought us together for the common goal to save our state — during the coronavirus outbreak. Excuse me, but a large majority of Alaskans believe he has been doing this since taking office.

Where would we be today if he gave education the millions they requested, fully funded the ferry system, and funded all the other special interest groups? The coronavirus has completely destroyed what little budget Alaska had, with oil prices below $25 a barrel and tourism and fishing taking a harder hit.

Recall Dunleavy started the minute he reduced funding for education, ferries and state employees. He did this for the common goal to save our state. Proponents of the recall know they’re fighting an uphill battle by writing letters to every newspaper in Alaska to get signatures for this recall.

Please don’t get pulled into these special interest groups’ belief that things will be better without Gov. Dunleavy. Our governor is working closely with the president for future oil development, and with Sens. Dan Sullivan and Lisa Murkowski on icebreakers and more military personnel for our state. Let’s all work together to help Dunleavy defeat this virus and help make Alaska the great state it will be under his leadership.

— Dennis Smith


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