Letters to the Editor

Letter: Thanks to the helpers

In this unprecedented time of COVID-19, it is comforting to think of Mr. Roger’s sage advice to “Look for the helpers.” There truly are so many amazing helpers and heroes that deserve recognition, support and our gratitude.

I’d like to thank all doctors, nurses, EMTs and all medical workers who are on the front lines, fighting the virus with little support from a federal administration that in the last three years dismantled public health. Armed with inadequate amounts of protective masks and limited test kits, they are heroically risking their lives for our collective benefit. Thanks!

There are many heroes helping the homeless, but Lisa Aquino and Lisa Sauder are leaders in standing up for those that are disenfranchised. I’m proud that they and our city quickly organized to make sleeping and eating arrangements that keep our vulnerable population protected. Thanks!

Thanks to Mayor Ethan Berkowitz for his powerful order to “hunker down.” It is heroic to do what’s right to preserve our health knowing that the impact may have far-reaching economic effects on the city and so many individuals, their businesses and livelihoods.

Thanks to all the heroic parents who are under the stress of unexpectedly working from home while juggling the demands of entertaining and homeschooling children. Thanks to the grocery store workers, like Donna at Carr’s on Abbott, who helped us at self check-out and those who are doing their best to stock shelves. Thanks to our friends who check on us and other 60-plus year old people, outdoorsy folks who didn’t think of ourselves as old until we found ourselves in a COVID-19 higher risk category.

In this time of COVID-19, for the first time ever, the whole world is working together to solve a global problem, and Mr. Rogers’ advice holds true: “Look for the helpers!”

– Paula Davis



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