Letters to the Editor

Letter: Don’t recall Dunleavy

The grounds for the recall of Gov. Mike Dunleavy are vague and frivolous. I can’t imagine the learned and scholarly judges on our Alaska Supreme Court allowing the recall to proceed.

The involvement of Alaska constitutional delegate Vic Fischer is especially disappointing. Mr. Fischer always talks about the good old days in Alaska when all Alaska politicians worked together to help Alaska. Perhaps that is true and perhaps not. Apparently, if you disagree with Vic Fischer, then it’s time for a more radical approach to the solution — like recall.

We just went through a ridiculous recall effort at the national level. We don’t need another recall here in Alaska. I think supporters of the recall effort are mostly Democrats or new Alaskans. If they didn’t like the results of the last election, they should just wait and vote in the next regularly scheduled election for governor like all Alaskans.

— Doug Bartko


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