Letters to the Editor

Letter: Time to pitch in

I’m kind of over the Permanent Fund dividend. We’ve appreciated it, but it’s been accompanied by bad behavior on the part of individuals and groups, corruption, unending dispute and division. It’s probably not been worth it.

As a 50-plus-year resident and a 40-plus-year health professional, I’ve had Alaska do right by me, and I plan to live here forever. I want to live in a state where people who need assistance can receive it, where everyone has a home, where everyone has access to health services, where pre-K to college education is absolutely exceptional, and where public services in general are well-funded and not threatened.

It’s past time all of our elected representatives remember serving the public means reaching solutions by compromise. I am more than willing to pay a state tax. You get what you invest in.

— Vicki Vermillion


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