Letters to the Editor

Letter: Thank you, Sen. Murkowski

As an Alaska Democrat who voted for Hilary Clinton, I would like to thank Sen. Lisa Murkowski for her critical vote, which prevented the Senate impeachment trial from turning into a total sham and witch hunt due to Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Minority Leader Charles Schumer’s machinations. Indeed, lost in the discussion is the fact that in all witness proceedings in the impeachment process, at no time was the president’s council allowed to cross-examine any witness. In any and all court trials, this is an absolute Constitutional due process right.

I would also like to assure all Alaskans that these abominable actions by the Pelosi/Schumer political machine and their press allies to tarnish the reputation of the U.S. Senate do not represent Alaska Democrats who have provided responsible leadership at the state level for a number of years and will continue to do so.

— William Hibler


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