Letters to the Editor

Letter: Plastics to fuel

After a decade of faithfully recycling plastic bags and containers, we now feel like criminals when we have to simply toss these items into the rubbish bin. Is there a reason that Alaska can’t step up to the plate and upgrade to the 21st century with respect to plastic disposal?

In a state with such a high level of petroleum-chemical talented individuals and in-place infrastructure, there can be no excuse not to. Here are encouraging words from Doug Woodring — Ocean Recovery Alliance, and Steve Russell — American Chemistry Council’s Plastics Division: “Plastics are created primarily from energy feedstocks, typically natural gas or oil (mostly natural gas in the United States). The hydrocarbons that make up plastics are embodied in the material itself, essentially making plastics a form of stored energy, which can be turned into a liquid fuel source. Plastics-to-fuel technologies are increasingly scalable and can be customized to meet the needs of various economies and geographies, so they do not require huge machines. Another potential environmental benefit of plastics-derived fuels is that they can deliver a cleaner-burning fuel, due to the low sulfur content of plastics. Plastics-to-fuel is one of several technologies that can play a role in converting non-recycled plastics into valuable energy (gasification and refuse-derived fuel are two others).”

Like the road signs say, don’t trash Alaska.

— Ken and Kate Green

Cooper Landing

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