Letters to the Editor

Letter: Weep for America

I never dreamed that I would witness the U.S. Senate, aided by the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, dismantle democracy and shred our Constitutional protections and processes, right before our eyes on television and the nation remain silent. The streets should be full, college and universities should be shut down and in chaos! When did we become so timid and cowardly? Real patriots, real people of conscience, real inclusive Americans should stand up, demonstrate, fill the jails, protest and stop this destruction of our country and our freedoms. Where is the fervor of the 1960s?

I do not recognize this hateful, dishonest, timid nation of sheep. I always assumed — blindly hoped, it appears — that there would be a “gang” of Republican senators, as in the Nixon years, who would value truth, honor and country over political power and political party.

Our country has lost faith with our soul, our heritage and we have sacrificed our sacred honor. I weep for America lost, warts and all.

— Terry Casdorph


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