Letters to the Editor

Letter: Keep impeachment fair

Every Election Day, as an independent voter, I have gone out and voted, including for Republicans. But it’s frustrating to see so many politicians down in Washington, D.C., cling to the party line, particularly regarding the impeachment situation. We expect our representatives to put the best interests of the American people before their political party, and I frankly haven’t seen that out of many Republicans.

The House impeachment proceedings left me with the feeling that the gravity of the situation has been overlooked. Lawmakers from both sides seemed more interested in advancing their narratives rather than fulfilling their legal duties. They would do well to remember the oath they took — and the voters back home who expect them to hold power to account.

The truth of the Ukraine matter will only emerge if the proper procedures are followed. As the articles of impeachment are sent to the Senate this week, I hope they will look beyond partisanship. Sen. Lisa Murkowski, in particular, should realize that there are true conservatives in Alaska who are watching to see if she will put the Constitution before political pressures from the likes of Mitch McConnell and the White House.

— Sarah Reichert


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