Letters to the Editor

Letter: Consistent military growth

I was surprised to see a recent letter to the editor claiming that Sen. Dan Sullivan, a colonel in the U.S. Marine Corps Reserve serving on the Senate Armed Services Committee, and I believe the only senator currently serving, isn’t “fighting for Alaska.”

I have seen multiple news stories in this very paper documenting Sen. Sullivan’s tireless efforts to introduce Alaska to senior Department of Defense officers and personnel as a great training and basing opportunity, and as the front line of the opening of the Arctic. We have seen consistent growth in our military in Alaska, and thus investment of federal dollars in good-paying jobs, during his tenure, including an expansion of the icebreaker fleet and basing of the F-35 fighter jets at Eielson Air Force Base. There is more growth in the active planning stages as well.

I was particularly disturbed by the reference to “stealing” money from the Defense budget for the border wall. I served with Sen. Sullivan, and the last thing he would ever allow is for anyone to “steal” from his troops. The president has broad authority as chief executive and commander in chief to fulfill his, and Congress’, primary Constitutional duty to protect the integrity of our national borders and the rule of law, and the people of this country and state elected a president and senator who take that job seriously.

It is possible to disagree with the means used to achieve those goals without resorting to insults. Make no mistake, Sen. Sullivan is a selfless leader who cares very much about our military, their families and the communities they live in.

— Jamie Boring


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