Letters to the Editor

Letter: New Year reminders

I’m rushed for time right now, but I wanted to reiterate what those who are far smarter and kinder than I say every New Year.

Be kind. Be polite. Forgive one another. Judge not, lest ye be judged. I was at the wonderful Foodbox (thank you, ladies); a lady was in front of me — rail thin, heavily made up. My mind goes immediately to meth addict.

Yeah, no. She had stage four skin cancer.

Our lives are too finite to waste in anger or bitterness.

Be grateful. We live in an era where food is plentiful, allopathic medicine can cure a whole lot of things. And we in the Mat-Su need to designate a place where homeless people can go in 20 below. Remember, many of our veterans are homeless.

That’s all I’ve got. Let’s make 2020 the best year ever!

— Lillian K. Staats



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