Letters to the Editor

Letter: Credibility

Bob Martin, in his Dec. 31 letter, declared how grateful he is for “fact-based journalism” and how concerned he is for those getting their news from “from sources that just make stuff up.” What is not clear is how he knows when he is receiving fact-based journalistic news and when he is not.

Assuming a ‘‘journalist’’ is someone who has earned a degree in journalism or something similar, can we also assume that everything presented by journalists is fact-based? Mr. Martin provided three examples of individuals he said do not provide “fact-based journalism”: John Solomon, Dan Bongino and Mark Levin.

Solomon, currently a contributor to FOX News, was formerly editor-in-chief at The Washington Times; he has won a number of prestigious awards for his investigative journalism during the past two decades; he worked at The Associated Press, where he became the assistant bureau chief in Washington; and he has served as a Washington Post national investigative correspondent. He earned bachelor degrees in Journalism and Sociology from Marquette University

Bongino is a former Secret Service agent, former congressional candidate and a New York Times bestselling author. He earned master’s degrees in Psychology and Business Administration from Penn State University.

Levin is a lawyer and author. He is the host of a syndicated radio show. He was chief of staff for Attorney General Edwin Meese in the administration of President Ronald Reagan. He has authored seven books, and is currently the editor-in-chief of the Conservative Review.

I’m guessing that the key to understanding why we are being told that these three educated and experienced gentlemen of the media do not provide “fact-based journalistic news” is because all three are conservatives. One can only conclude that the message here is that if the news is not providing a left-wing message it is not “fact-based journalism.”

— Jim Lieb



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Jim Lieb

Jim Lieb is a retired Alaska Dept. of Fish and Game wildlife biologist who now writes both popular and scientific articles. He lives in Palmer.