Letters to the Editor

Letter: How gullible are we?

Just what campaign promises has Trump fulfilled since taking office?

He said that if he was elected, he would do the following: pull us out of Afghanistan, enact term limits, make no cuts to Medicare, invest $550 billion in infrastructure, make no cuts to Social Security, place a lifetime ban on foreign lobbyists, repeal Obamacare, eliminate the national debt, take no vacations, release his tax returns, quickly balance the federal budget, make no cuts to Medicaid, give us the best health care in the world and, most important to Alaskans, change Denali to McKinley.

So what has has he delivered? The wall.

And now he has been impeached and all Republicans can say is that he did not get a fair shake. Really? He and his administrators refused to testify in his defense. And now, McConnell swears to fully cooperate with the White House. Hello, the Senate is supposed to be a neutral jury, listen to the facts and make a decision.

Oh, and guess what? The money for his wall comes in part with a loss of funding for Alaska.

Just how gullible are Alaska voters?

— Glenn Olson



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