Letters to the Editor

Letter: Trial in the Senate

I have heard that impeachment in the House of Representatives is the equivalent of an indictment and the trial is what happens in the Senate. If so, then why are our two senators concerned about the “hurried process” in the House? There was more than enough evidence in the House to render an indictment. I have listened to the testimony of the persons who listened in on the phone call to the Ukraine. I am convinced. And other witnesses could not be brought because they refused to participate and the justice system refused to assist.

Would we expect a rape trial not to proceed because every single possible witness did not come forth in the grand jury to indict? No. That is part of what happens in the trial. Here we have Sen. Mitch McConnell stating that he is not claiming to be fair or impartial and wants to rush through the trial without calling witnesses. Would we let a rapist off the hook just because he refused to testify at trial and told all his buddies to call it a lie? No, we would compel witnesses to appear. That is what should happen in the Senate. Don’t make a mockery of our justice system, Sens. Lisa Murkowski and Dan Sullivan.

For several years now, I have had the sinking feeling that President Donald Trump is destroying our country and our democracy singlehandedly. But now I realize I am wrong. He has the help of the Senate and most of the Republican Party. As a former member of the military, it is embarrassing to see members of the military, who are sworn to uphold the constitution, participating in the Trump cover-ups. He makes former President Richard Nixon look like a choir boy. There is no coming back from this. The country is being destroyed just as surely as firing a nuclear missile at it.

— Holly R. Hill


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