Letters to the Editor

Letter: Education for Alaska

President John F. Kennedy once said, “… my fellow Americans, ask not what your country can do for you; ask what you can do for your country.” One of the many ways this is still relevant today in our education system. I am a sophomore at East High School and without a proper education, my fellow students and myself will not be able to do anything for our amazing country. That is why it is so vital for our governor to value education and make sure that funding for Alaska’s school systems continues.

Gov. Mike Dunleavy does not seem to understand that without an educated population, there is no successful state. Cuts to education will affect students, staff and programs now and in the future. Without a chance at a proper higher education, many students will consider seeking it outside of Alaska.

I have heard many students at East suggest that with our education system in such jeopardy, they are looking for higher education elsewhere. I strongly urge our governor to think about the future of our great state and what he might be able to do for the forthcoming generations of Alaska.

— Kyler Ferguson


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