Letters to the Editor

Letter: Murkowski wrong on Menashi

Once again, Sen. Lisa Murkowski chose party over principle and voted to confirm an utterly unqualified nominee for the Federal Second Circuit Court. Steven Menashi has a well-known history of misogyny and nativism. He helped Stephen Miller draft the Trump administration immigration and asylum policies.

Menashi, a white ethnostate enthusiast, has taken extreme positions on the rights of women and asylum. He has published inflammatory articles about Islam, people of color, and LGBTQ individuals.

While on very rare occasions Sen. Murkowski has broken ranks with the Republicans, it is exceedingly unusual and rare event. Menashi’s poor appearance before the Senate Judiciary Committee should should been a clue that he is an extremist as well as being unqualified and holding positions on matters that different greatly from Sen. Murkowski’s. As an attorney, Murkowski is acutely aware of the dangers of approving a nominee who lacks qualifications for a lifetime appointment. By doing so, she is performing a disservice to the residents of Alaska.

— Carol Johnson


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