Letters to the Editor

Letter: Don’t get fooled again

I’m a 64-year-old local musician. I’ve been following the impeachment hearings and cannot believe that more than 50% of Americans can’t see what’s going on in the White House. There is proof of enough evidence of wrongdoing in the administration to have President Donald Trump impeached twice at least.

Now I’m hearing members of the administration say Trump is sent here by God to do great things; what baloney. Don’t believe that God would get involved in partisan politics, and where are the great things he’s supposed to be doing? Trump likes authoritarian leaders and has said he wants to be king.

I say, fool half of America once, shame on you; fool half of America twice, shame on half of America. What’s at stake here is democracy as we know it. Please don’t re-elect the guy. We used to be respected around the world; not so any more. That’s on Trump!

— Terry Judge


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