Letters to the Editor

Letter: On deaf ears

I answered the cryptoquote puzzle in the Anchorage Daily News today. Walter Lippmann said “It requires wisdom to understand wisdom: The music is nothing if the audience is deaf.”

I do not believe for a moment that the Republican party is deaf, but I do believe they are not wise. The record of destroyed reputations surrounding our president seems to not matter to the party of Abraham Lincoln. The attachment to Trump as perilous as it might be, has become an all-or-nothing decision. How deep and foul will leaders of our nation go to protect the edge of power provided by President Donald J. Trump?

The decision to continue support of Trump by the GOP after his clear abuse of his office has been weighed by those at the top of the party. I wonder what Lincoln would say if he were alive today? Would he suddenly have a deaf ear, or would he produce a few words of wisdom that would go down in history?

— William P. Beltz


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