Letters to the Editor

Letter: Thanks, Sen. Murkowski

Last week, I traveled to Washington, D.C., and Sen. Lisa Murkowski agreed to meet with me. I asked the senator to work to protect Title X, the nation’s program for affordable birth control and reproductive health care. Title X, known widely as ‘sliding scale’ payment, has helped thousands of Alaskans be able to afford basic care. As a Title X patient myself, I know how important this program is for ensuring all people can access high quality reproductive health care.

Access to Title X funding is at risk because a gag rule by the Trump administration has forced many health providers out of the program. Congress has the power to roll back the gag rule and protect Title X funding in its annual spending bill. This will require bipartisan support. I hope Sen. Murkowski and all of Alaska’s congressional delegation will work to pass Title X protections.

I want to thank Sen. Murkowski: for listening; for holding a thoughtful conversation about Title X funding and the gag rule; for bringing an informed approach to decision-making; and for her continued willingness to make time in her busy schedule when Alaskans come to visit Washington, D.C.

— Elizabeth Figus


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