Letters to the Editor

Letter: Pebble Mine education

Please log on to YouTube to watch “The Pebble Mine Project: Process and Potential Impacts,” from the House Transportation & Infrastructure Committee. It’s long but well worth watching.

My takeaway on this hearing was mixed. I was disappointed in Congressman Don Young’s brashness toward those who were about to testify to the committee. Despite that and a couple of other members’ attitudes, which were that they had more important and pressing work to do than to address this issue at this time. Despite that, I do think the majority of the members understand the negative effects an open pit mine can have on waters and landscapes, especially in such a pristine and sensitive area as this is for salmon habitat. Thank you so much to these members. It means a lot.

Thanks also to all who testified in opposition to this mine; fantastic job. Dennis McLerran, Richard Borden, Alannah Hurley, Brian Kraft, Mark Niver and Anisa Costa. I believe they were heard this time! I would also like to thank Chairman Peter DeFazio from Oregon for pushing for this hearing and thank you to this committee for listening and taking action to try to restore the Clean Water Act.

I sincerely hope this does not become yet another battle between Republicans and Democrats. Scary. To me it’s common sense. We have a lot to lose when we lose our clean waters, especially in the most productive area in the world for wild salmon.

With all due respect, the state should take this discovery off the table and protect this region from these types of operations. It’s just not worth the risks involved in this operation or the worry every time we have an earthquake or the volcanoes act up. Wrong place.

Thank you to United Tribes of Bristol Bay for its “take action” page. This special presentation by technical expert Dave Chambers was very educational and informative about the sites location, details of Pebble’s plans and the role that the draft environmental impact statement is playing in this process. Very well done, Mr. Chambers, United Tribes of Bristol Bay and Defend Bristol Bay. Thanks to all of you, for all your hard work and dedication. My hope is that all Alaskans will log on to these sites and judge for themselves.

— Vicki Duggin



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