Letters to the Editor

Letter: Impeachment investigation isn’t partisan

I have a difficult time understanding people like letter-to-the-editor writer Kenneth Caron, who claimed that “three years of investigation” — obviously referring to Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation into Russian interference into our election — had shown “no ‘there’ there.” This totally ignores the fact that this effort had indicted, convicted or obtained guilty pleas from 34 people and three companies, including six top advisers to President Donald Trump.

The letter writer dismisses the importance of the Mueller efforts in order to denigrate the current effort to determine if the president should be impeached for efforts to bribe — with taxpayer funds, it should be noted — another country into conducting an investigation into one of his political rivals. Both respected career diplomats and military officials have given testimony that confirms the inexcusable transgressions by the president. This is serious business, a serious violation of the oath of the office, and the investigation is not something that should be callously dismissed as a partisan effort.

If you think otherwise, then please tear yourself away from the propaganda spewed by Fox News, Breitbart and other outlets that spread false information and outright lies. Be informed, not blindly biased.

— Dale Gardner


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