Letters to the Editor

Letter: Wake up to climate change

On Nov. 5, 11,000 scientists in 153 countries declared a climate emergency and warned that “untold human suffering” is unavoidable without huge shifts in the way we live.

This ought to be a sobering prognosis, but here in Alaska, we have people like Rick Whitbeck, who in a Nov. 3 commentary not only rejected overwhelming scientific consensus but also came down hard on Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez for her support of the Green New Deal and related comments. Mr. Whitbeck pulled out all stops in his self-righteous take-down noting that Rep. Ocasio-Cortez is (only) 29, a freshman legislator, extremist, socialist, doesn’t understand Alaska, blah, blah, blah — and a woman to boot!

As spaceship Earth plummets toward the black hole of catastrophic climate change, one might think it wise to consider the science-based predictions and potential consequences of “business as usual.” The dubious contention that Alaska has its corner of planet in order and deserves immunity is akin to deck-chair rearrangement on the Titanic.

— Chip Treinen


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