Letters to the Editor

Letter: Governor’s Outside tour

An open letter to all who consider themselves Alaskan: Whether you’re up on Alaska’s history — replete with Outsiders either coming here or registering their “opinions” from afar — or have had personal experiences with the same, the fact that our governor feels it necessary to harvest the apparently (still) greener grass of the Lower 48, for ANY reason, should give you pause.

Seriously, governor? Now I am concerned — for all of us. My personal experiences include an inside peek at my Christian denominational hierarchy, as Outside bishops from the “great” Northwest came up here to tell us what we needed. Enough said.

Oh, I almost forgot: Who’s paying for this talk show tour, and who benefits?

— Keith Muschinske

Eagle River

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Keith Muschinske

Retired U.S. Air Force Lt. Col. Keith Muschinske, was the senior installation captain for Joint Base Elmendorf-Richardson. He lives in Eagle River.