Letters to the Editor

Letter: Betraying the Kurds

“They didn’t help us with Normandy.” That is one reason President Donald Trump has given for his decision to withdraw American troops from Kurdish-held Syria, opening the door for the Turkish invasion now underway. The move is stunning coming from a man who prizes loyalty in those around him the way President Trump seems to. Then again, Trump’s brand of loyalty runs but one way. When cabinet officers, national security advisors or chiefs of staff (Trump is now on his third) displease their boss, they may be publicly fired with a peremptory presidential tweet. Loyalty? What’s that?

Now, American troops — ever loyal to their Commander-in-Chief — are withdrawing from Kurdish Syria, cursed and pelted by vegetables thrown by Kurds who have been our allies through five years of bitter fighting. No, Syrian Kurds didn’t help us on D-Day on the beaches of Normandy. But they have fought alongside us against ISIS, including women’s brigades, as shown in the new French film, “Sisters In Arms.” The fact is, countless Alaska soldiers could vouch for the valor of Kurdish fighters and the profound sacrifices of Kurdish families.

And the unkindest cut of all? Now, President Trump and Defense Secretary Mark Esper say some American troops will remain in Syria. Not to safeguard our Kurdish allies. Not to protect human beings. To protect oil. Syrian oilfields. What does this say about Donald J. Trump’s ultimate values? And what does it signal to the world about America in 2019? Dear God, how did we get here?

— Richard Emanuel


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